Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tour of Duty

Time has come again for Chris. We just found out this past monday that his unit has been activated and he will be deployed in November. His army reserve unit will be stationed in Afghanistan. He will be gone for at least a year. We knew there was a possibility of him being activated againg but hoped it would not happen.
These next few months of blogs are mainly for me and the kids. I will be journaling our events, emotions, and good times we have for the children. So the next few months are going to be a whirlwind of emotions as I prepare my kids and myself for what will be happening. My best friend, lover, husband, and father of my 4 children will be going back to war. I was able to do this once and can do it again. With the help of family, friends, prayers, and mainly God freedom will continue in this great country of ours and Chris will return home again safe.
Chris gave me a beautiful blessing Monday night. In it he said to take the next few months and build a bond with the children. Make memories and enjoy the moments that we have. To strengthen our family. To make sure we have joyous occasions and to know that he will come back to help raise and support our family.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who loves me and our children. He has always provided for us and made sure all our wants and needs have been met. He works hard for us. He has a strong testimony of the gospel and lets the kids see that daily. I love him very much and want him to know how proud of him I am.
As we prepare for his deployment there are goals that I would like to accomplish. I want to do these things so that our family will grow and stronger than ever, we will be strengthened and feel at peace when he leaves. That the children will never question what he is doing, but know that he is fighting for our freedoms. I am going to record these as we accomplish them and I challenge any of you who read this to join our family. I know on some of these goals I will need the help of family.
1. Read the Book of Mormon all the way through as a family.
2. Have family home evening regularly.
3. Attend a temple open house.
4. Attend a temple dedication with Preston, and Madison. (Live or broadcast.)
5. Sleep under the stars at Bear Lake.
6. Hike at least 4 National Parks here in our own backyard. Utah what a great state!
7. Fly a kite with the kids.
8. Go to a new museum.
9. Play at a new park each month.
10. Picnic as often as possible.
11. Have regular family game night.
12. Read as many Dr. Seuss books to the kids as possible.
13. Go sledding.
14. Teach the children about the Constitution, and Declaration of Independence.
15. Go to Pineview as many Fridays as possible this summer.
16. Take Chris to Lagoon and ride 'The Wicked'
17. Get a yard.
18. Go to Seattle.
19. Ride bikes as often as possible as a family.
20. Laugh until tears roll down.
And most importantly do something new or different every week with the children and Chris. Whether we go somewhere or stay home. Just make memories with them. Listen to them and love them.
If anyone has any ideas please tell me. I have been blessed to have nine months to make these memories with our children and I don't want to loose a moment. So let the journaling begin.


Coil Fam said...

Oh, Aubrey, what a beautiful tribute to Chris and a wonderful commitment to your family. Maybe we shoul all live as if we only have 9 more months together. You and Chris will be OK, so your kids will be too. You are an amazing family, able to keep it altogether even with Primary, Reserves, Bishopric, work, home chores and homework. The most important thing to remember is to remember the most important things, prayer, scriptures, kindness and gentleness and you have a lot of family ready to jump in to help at any time. You are all loved and cherished. God bless you all as Chris blesses America to protect us all.

Shay said...

That is one of the best blog posts ever. It is sad how it takes something like that to make us put our lives into a better perspective. I support all of the things that you want to do as a family. Please let me know where I can help you guys. I would like to add "Go to the beautiful state of Ohio and sit on the beach of lake Eire while looking at the city of Cleveland" to your list.

We miss and love you all.

D said...

Aubrey, my big Sis. you are so sweet to share one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through with all of us. I and my family will be here for you and your kids. You are an amazing mother and wife and I know that you and your sweet family will be okay because of you and your amazing faith and love of the gospel. I love you and am so proud to call you my sister and friend.