Sunday, December 14, 2008

Luke and the button

This past week it snowed really good and my 4 year old Luke got so excited. He woke up after all the kids had left for school and came running down the stairs yelling at me that it had snowed. He then made the most profound observation a 4 year old could make. He told me that God had pushed his snow button. I asked him what he meant. He said that God had a button for rain and snow and when he pushed the button it would either rain or snow. I asked him where does God have this button? His reply was; "In his house mom."

He is so lovable. He has been a great blessing in our family. I love his smile and laughter that you can hear throughout the house. He just goes along with whatever is happening. He is my best bud. This picture is of him at Lake Powell this past summer. I love you Luke.


The Perks of Life! said...

Ha ha! You did update! I am so impressed. Your blog is cute and so if your fam. Good work Aubs. Your kids always have smiles on their faces so obviously your doing something right. Cute story about Luke! I can only imagine the excitement in his voice when he told you about the button!

The Perks of Life! said...

I meant so is your fam not so if your fam! You said it best tonight... I'm tired!

Coil Fam said...

Love the updates, love Luke, love his laugh, love his smile. love, mom