Monday, June 1, 2009

Pikes Place

Pikes Place is a wonderful place to visit in Seattle. Chris and I, along with Kathy and Amy took the kids Saturday afternoon to downtown Seattle and Pikes Place. It is pretty much an open market of everything you could possibly imagine. Four levels of shops and stores all around. I love to call it one giant flea market. Soooo much to see and do.
We were finishing up our sight seeing and I loved the sign right over our heads. It was such a beautiful day.

There are so many neat shops. This map store had some awesome maps in their display windows. This map is made of sheet music. I wonder if it was played what the song would sound like?
These puzzles are fascinating. I have never seen puzzles in the shape of a globe.

There is a fish market famous for throwing the fish. That is one of the highlights of the market. This worker just caught a fish that was thrown about 20 feet to him. I don't know how they hold on. The place smelled soo lovely. Here he is throwing it back.
I feel soo bad for Chris. We were around all this fresh sea food and no one eats but him. I offered to buy him some but I don't think it looks to appetizing. Plus I don't think the fish look happy to see us. They remind me of the fish in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks." Bobbin' along, bobbin' along the bottom of the beautifu brimey sea.

These crab legs are massive. Although I don't know how big they should be, 'cause I won't eat 'em.

Lobster anyone?

The other favorite of the market is the fresh flowers. Rows and rows of flowers. They are absolutely gorgeous. I loved all the colors. Someday my garden will look this colorful. Right now it's just brown with a little weed for color.
Absolutely gorgeous.

The kids loved the candy store. I don't know why but it was a hit. Luckily we didn't spend too much. I have never seen jaw breakers that big. I had one when I was about 11 that was the size of a racquetball. These were about the size of a softball. I wonder how many licks does it take to get to the center of the jaw breaker?
Abbie loves candy and anything sweet. I am so glad she didn't want this bear. How much chewing does it take to get to the center of this bear? I bet the dentists love this store.

Overall Pikes place was a great adventure. The kids were wonderful. We had a blast. I can't wait to go there again when Chris gets home.

1 comment:

Chris and Aubrey said...

that is an awesome time on vacation
thank you