Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Preston!!

I can't believe that you are 11 years old, in boy scouts and almost as tall as me. It has been so much fun being your mother. I know I'm not perfect but I want you to know that I love and care for you deeply. You have been my best bud for the past 11 years. It has been so much fun being a part of your life and watching you over the years. You have always put other people first, been cautious, sincere, and always forgiving. Hope you had a great day.

Preston with his new hiking backpack for scouts. He will no longer be going to day camp but on overnighters. I am so excited for him.

If anyone has a conversation with Preston than you know he has lego on the brain or maybe just a lego for a brain. This is one of the sets he has been asking for. Glad we could get it for him.

Preston you star. Here he is at his piano recital. He loves music and has a knack for the piano. He is able to sit down and pluck out a song without any sheet music. Ask him to play "The Entertainer" for you and he will. Granted it is only about 20 seconds of the song, but he has never read the music for it. Figured it out by himself. Pretty awesome.
Happy Birthday!!
Mom, Dad, Mads, Abs, Luke Skywalker

1 comment:

The Perks of Life! said...

Gees! Where has the time gone?! Remember eleven years ago when we were hanging winnie the pooh stickers on the wall in the nursery in farmington?! I do! NOw the boy, or should I say young man, got a hiking backpack for his birthday! Happy birthday to preston. We love him!