Friday, August 21, 2009

The smell and sound of summer

Last night was our final trip to Lagoon-A-Beach. What a blast. I love the smell of chlorine, sunscreen, and chocolate. The sounds of water rushing, kids screaming with excitement and moms yelling at their kids because they splashed them. Actually I think it's hilarious. Why do you go to a swim park to not get wet? Let me know because I can't wait to get soaked and run around with my kids.
Luke went on the twisty slides and laughed the whole way down. He loved showing his Aunt Amy how you lay on your back cross your legs and arms and go. He loved getting wet and having adventures in the sand with his new friend Jace.
Abbie loved being able to walk around the lazy river and touch the bottom. Such a big accomplishment for a cute girl who loves to sink in water. (Two times at Lake Powell she fell in and had to be pulled out as she was going under.) Her excitement as she goes under the waterfalls and gets soaked.
Madison is such a social butterfly. She would go up to groups of girls and ask their names and then start playing with them. She loved the tube rides and trying to beat Prest.
Prest I am so sorry but Ladies First! I beat him three times down the outrigger ride. It's a waterslide you ride on with tubes. I kept catching up and then passing him the pools on the ride. He loved every minute of it. He is so like his dad and very competitive.
Chris thanks for coming with us and laughing with us. Thanks for lugging the cooler around and making sure the kids had a good time. It was great. I loved watching you on the drop slide. What a great time.
The sounds and smells of summer are great and I am sad to see them come to an end but we will do it again next year, and the year after. What a great time. Thanks family for making it a great summer.


Kim said...

I love Lagoon A Beach too. We didn't go as much as we wanted to this year. Glad you had a great day.

The Perks of Life! said...

Ha, I'd probably be the girl asking my kids to not splash me. Hopefully not... Aub you are such a fun mom. Your kids adore you and they look up to you as their leader. You're a great sister for me to follow in your footsteps. Love you.

Coil Fam said...

Aubrey you are a FUN mom. I remember the time I was coming up and you said your house was a mess. You explained that Preston had asked you to go outside and shoot hoops with him. You said you had to decide between cleaning and playing with Preston. You chose wisely. The house could be cleaned later, but Preston would only be little for awhile. I am proud of your children. They are awesome kids and I know that is because you are an awesome mom.

Erin said...

I am so glad you had such a fun summer!! What a great investment those Lagoon Season passes were. Can we get some with you next summer:)