I am all ready waiting for spring and getting to plant in my garden boxes. We will have a great crop of corn and beans and peas. What fun it will be.
Mom and Dad gave me their peach trees and I can't wait to pick fresh peaches and enjoy. Thanks you guys. They will be perfect with the strawberries and raspberries I am going to plant. Yummy!
Overall, Jake did a great job. I can't wait for Chris to see. He will love it. Thanks Jake for taking care of us. For getting the job done right and done fast. Thanks for the hard work you and your crew put into this. I really do appreciate it. We are lucky to have you as part of our fam. What fun we will have.
Aubrey it looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy for you and the family, you will love it, Jake did a wonderful job.
I just wish I could see it with my own eyes.
Love you, congratulations!!!
Aaaaaaahh, is that YOUR yard!?! I LOVE it!! Jake did an amazing job, we ARE so lucky to have him in the family. I can't wait to eat some yummy peaches from your trees. You deserve this beautiful yard, love you!
Not only will the kids love it, so will Sadie. It's an amazing thing to see the before with nothing but dirt and now the beautiful green grass with trees. Wonderful job Jake!
I almost forgot to look @ the blog & that's why Toph called me tonight...the grass looks fab! Can't wait to see you guys!
Love you!
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